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50 Things To Do When Bored Besides Eat

Not that we always have extra time on our hands. Perhaps this list will help you find that little extra time you didn’t think you had, or inspire you to try something new when boredom is where you find yourself!

1. Plan healthy meals and snacks so you keep a healthful routine and do not choose calorie-dense foods at random. See number 2!
2. Make a grocery list and stock the house with good foods from #1.
3. Clean out the refrigerator and freezer.
4. Drink water or unsweetened tea.
5. Clean the house or catch up on chores.
6. Wash the car.
7. Clean the back yard or patio if you have one.
8. Go to the gym.
9. If you find you have a lot of extra time on your hands, enroll in an exercise class.
10. Organize your closet and donate extra items to charity.
11. Prepare a low-fat salad and raw vegetable snacks for the day or week.
12. Walk the dog or a neighbor’s dog.
13. Run errands and put gas in the car so you have time to exercise tomorrow morning.
14. Go out for unsweetened tea or coffee.
15. Shop for gifts and get ahead with your life schedule so you have more time for exercise.
16. Learn a new healthful recipe using a fruit or vegetable.
17. Prepare a healthy dinner.
18. Cut up fruit and put grapes in small baggies so they are ready to go.
19. Take up swimming, biking, hiking, kayaking or another physical activity.
20. Buy and use an exercise video.
21. Find a yoga studio and take two lessons a week.
22. Call a friend and walk while you are talking on the cell phone.
23. Chew gum or brush your teeth.
24. Write down situations that cause you stress and make you want to eat and find non-food solutions for them.
25. Reorganize your bathroom or other drawers in the house.
26. Clean and organize the garage.
27. Talk a long walk to the store.
28. Go to the mall and walk around or do outdoor shopping.
29. Walk the zoo or outdoor park.
30. Shop online for new fitness equipment and clothes.
31. Write down what you have eaten today and start a food journal.
32. Make a list of the times you feel bored and need to eat and make a list of things you can do to conquer this.
33. Research and write inspirational quotes.
34. Listen to music while taking a walk.
35. Organize your photographs.
36. Write to friends.
37. Meditate or take a hot bath and then pamper yourself by looking good.
38. Ride an exercise bike while you watch TV. Drink water flavored with lemon. It is even better if you can watch a show on an inspirational athletic event.
39. Sign up for tennis lessons.
40. Go bowling.
41. Volunteer so you are out of the house and around people more.
42. Cook some healthful low-fat meals and freeze them for busy days.
43. Organize your kitchen.
44. Attend an outdoor produce or farmer’s market.
45. Go out dancing.
46. Write down goals for yourself for the coming year – budget, vacation, work, lifestyle, etc.
47. Eat carrots or celery or melon.
48. Iron your clothes.
49. Go to the bookstore.
50. Take some outdoor photographs.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information is for informational purposes and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any illness. Consult a physician before taking any action.

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