Granola doesn’t fill your body with sugars, which will eventually cause you to crash and feel sluggish, instead, it gives you manganese, which is probably one of the most integral minerals in the body.
Agave improves our bodies’ ability to absorb calcium and magnesium, which is why it’s used to strengthen bones and prevent diseases like osteoporosis.
Coconut milk contains a type of fat called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that stimulate energy through a process called thermogenesis, or heat production. Combining coconut milk with a high-protein diet could help reduce or manage levels of abdominal fat, weight gain, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
Wheatgrass is especially high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium, and amino acids.
Cinnamon can bring down inflammation in the body, which can keep you healthier overall & prevent injury and illness
Kale is low in calories and contains several important nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese. Kale is higher in vitamin C than most other greens, containing about three times much as spinach and collard greens.